Diploma Equivalence in Turkey

Turkish universities seek to attract more international students, and Turkish universities have become a point of attraction in the world, in terms of studying abroad due to their fame and academic efficiency, in addition to the remarkable development that Turkey has witnessed at all level.

Due to the large number of international students who flock to pursue study in Turkey, and to check the academic competence of students wishing to pursue their studies, universities require the equivalency of the high school certificate from international students.

The equivalency of the certificate in Turkey is divided into two parts according to the academic stage, which are as follows: 

  1. Secondary school certificate equivalency in Turkey 

  2. University certificate equivalency in Turkey

First: Equivalency of the secondary school certificate in Turkey 

Before explaining the steps of equivalency of the certificate in Turkey, it should be noted that most universities in Turkey do not require the existence of the equivalency document to obtain university admission, it is possible to register at Turkish universities without obtaining the equivalency document. 

Upon completion of the registration procedures, the university gives the student a period of time to complete the procedures for equivalency of the secondary school certificate, and this period of time varies according to the university ranges from 3 months to a full academic year. It is worth noting that the student can continue studying in Turkey and apply for university tests before obtaining certificate of equivalency of the secondary school certificate in Turkey. If the equivalency document is not brought at the end of the time period granted to the student, the university registration will be freezed or canceled.

Second: Equivalence the University certificate in Turkey 

Due to the principle of equal opportunities between foreigners and Turks adopted by the Turkish government, foreigners wishing to work in Turkey are required to present a university certificate equivalency document if they wish to work. The process of equivalency of the university certificate is carried out in the presidency of the Turkish Higher Education Council in the capital, Ankara.

The certificate equivalency document in Turkey for the undergraduate level is required only from those wishing to work, as students wishing to complete postgraduate studies in Turkey's universities for the master's and doctoral stages are not required to present the equivalency document.

High school certificate equivalency document in Turkey

This document is the official proof that the high school certificate obtained by the student in his country is equivalent to the secondary school certificate in Turkey

How can the certificate equivalency document be obtained in Turkey for the secondary school stage?

There are two ways for a student to get this document. 

1- Submit a request to equivalence the secondary school certificate at the Turkish embassy or consulate 

2- Submit a request to equivalence the secondary school certificate in the directorates of education spread in the Turkish states

What are the reasons for the requirement to equivalency the secondary school certificate to complete the study in Turkey?

Turkey seeks to achieve its standards, and the most important of these criteria is not to accept students who have not completed the high school certificate, so Turkish universities require the existence of an equivalency document, it is worth that university admission do not pass through the equivalency of the secondary school certificate, as Turkish universities are given a period of time to complete the equivalency procedures after obtaining university admission.

Documents required to equivalence the secondary school certificate in Turkey:

  1. Passport, Turkish residence, Turkish ID.  

  2. High school certificate from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the country in which the student completed his secondary education.

  3. Transcript of the last 3 years in high school certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

  4. The required papers must be certified by the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Consulate if the student completes his studies in international schools.

  5. Secondary school certificate Equivalency Application Form.

  6. In case of the equivalency will be made by a power of attorney, a copy of the power of attorney certified by the notary is required. 

  7. In case of the student is under 18 years, a legal guardianship from the parents must be attached in Turkish (it can be obtained from the notary and translated into Turkish - or procedure the guardianship at the Turkish consulate).

Additional papers that can be requested for certificate equivalency in Turkey:

  1. University registration document

  2. If the student completes his studies in a country where he does not have a nationality, he must prove his residence in that country

Required Paperwork Verification Process

  1. The existing authentications are verified and it is possible to communicate with the concerned authorities to verify the authenticity of the certificate.

  2. It is considered if the school in which the student completed his studies is included in the recognized regulations in Turkey (all public and private schools affiliated with the ministries of education around the world are included in the recognized regulations in Turkey).

  3. It is ensured that the school in which the student completed is not affiliated with any banned groups in Turkey (there is a list of banned schools on the official website of the Turkish Ministry of Education).

  4. If the first 3 steps are completed, the equivalency of the secondary school certificate is granted to the student. 

How to equivalence the secondary school certificate in Turkey:

  1. Fill in your data via the link to equivalence the secondary school certificate in Turkey.

  2. Upload the papers of the equivalency of the secondary school certificate in Turkey on the official website. 

  3. Reserve the date of the appointment and the directorate in which you wish to make the equivalency.

  4. Visit the Directorate of Education and show the original documents that you have uploaded.

How to equivalence the Syrian certificate in Turkey:

1- Authenticate of the secondary school certificate from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

2- Authenticate the secondary school certificate by sending it via mail with a copy of the identity to the Syrian Temporary Government Office in Gaziantep State, after authenticating it from the Temporary Government Office, it will be sent to the student with a sealed envelope, the sealed envelope must be delivered to the Directorate of Education without opening it.

Address of the Office of the Syrian Temporary Government in Gaziantep Province:

İncili Pınar Mah.  Akınalan iş merkezi No: 3600 iç kapı No: 4 Şehit Kamil/ GaziAntep

Fees for equivalency the secondary school certificate in Turkey:

There are no fees required by the directorates of education in Turkey to complete the equivalency transaction 

The time required to complete the equivalency of the secondary school certificate:

You need from two days to a week in Turkish consulates and from 15 to 30 days in the directorates of education inside Turkey.

Documents required to equivalence university certificate in Turkey (bachelor's degree):

  1. The equivalency form of the university certificate. 

  2. Turkish residence or temporary protection identity.

  3. University certificate and transcript translated to Turkish and certified by a notary in Turkey.

  4. Upload all documents electronically on the official website.

  5. Reserve a date for the delivery of the original papers and documents that were submitted through the site to the Presidency of the Higher Education Council in Turkey.

Time period to complete the equivalency of the university certificate:

The equivalency of the university certificate needs a period of 8 months to two years, and it is often requested that the applicant enter a test to complete the process of equivalency the certificate in Turkey.

Stages of equivalency the certificate in Turkey:

  1. The university from which the student graduated is contacted to confirm the authenticity of the documents.

  2. A committee is formed to consider the tracks completed by the student in his university studies and the extent to which they match the tracks taught in the universities of Turkey.

  3. Informing the applicant of the result of the equivalency (he is informed of the test, the training period, the tracks that must be studied in one of the universities of Turkey if needed). 

Important Notes:

  1. Graduates of the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy undergo a training period in one of the Turkish hospitals or centers or Pharmacies after passing the equivalency test.

  2. After studying the file, in case of the basic tracks studied by the student at the university do not match the tracks taught in Turkish universities, he is asked to complete those tracks in Turkish universities before completing the equivalency process.

Your brief and useful guide to the equivalency of the certificate in Turkey:

  1. The equivalency of the certificate is divided into two parts (equivalency of the secondary school certificate - equivalency of the university certificate). 

  2. Students wishing to study a master's or doctorate, the equivalency document is not required.

  3. Students wishing to complete the study in Turkey for the bachelor's degree or diploma programs, it is required to obtain an equivalency document for the secondary school certificate in Turkey. 

  4. Obtaining university admission and starting university studies in Turkey does not require obtaining an equivalent document.

  5. The secondary school equivalency document can be obtained from Turkish consulates for students outside Turkey or Turkish education directorates. 

  6. Equivalence the Syrian secondary school certificates different from equivalencing the certificates of other countries, where the Syrian baccalaureate must be certified by the office of the Temporary government in the state of Gaziantep.

Frequently Asked Questions about Certificate Equivalency in Turkey

  1. What is the equivalency of the secondary school certificate in Turkey? It is a document proving that the student has completed secondary school and his studies are equivalent to the students' study in the Turkish high school. 

  1. Do I need to equivalence the secondary school certificate to complete the study in Turkey? Yes, international students need to obtain a high school certificate equivalency document to complete their studies in Turkey, but it is not a requirement for admission and starting a study.

  1. Can I get university admission in Turkey and start studying my major without obtaining a high school certificate equivalency document? Yes, international students can obtain university admission and start studying in their majors before obtaining the equivalency document in most Turkish universities.

  1. Do I need to equivalence my bachelor's degree to study a master's degree in Turkey? Students wishing to pursue a master's degree in Turkey do not need to obtain an equivalent document.

  1. Is it possible to complete postgraduate studies and specialization for graduates of medical schools in Turkey? Since the completion of the study of medical graduates means their practical training in Turkish hospitals, it is required to complete the equivalency procedures before registering them in the specialization programs.

  1. Is it possible to study a specialization in Turkey for graduates of dental or pharmacy faculties? Graduates of the faculties of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy cannot study a specialization in Turkey before the certificate equivalency process.

  1. Is it difficult to equivalence the secondary school certificate in Turkey? No, the equivalency of the secondary school certificate in Turkey is a very simple procedure aimed at verifying that the student's papers are correct. 

  1. Is the equivalency of a university certificate in Turkey difficult? The equivalency of a university certificate in Turkey is not difficult compared to other countries, but its difficulty lies in the long time needed to complete the equivalency. 

  1. Is it possible to equivalence the certificates of international schools in Turkey? Yes, it is possible to equivalence the certificate of international schools in Turkey.

  1. I was accepted into a university that requires the equivalence of the secondary school certificate to complete the registration, can I get the equivalency document quickly? Yes, you can get the equivalency document faster in some Turkish education directorates, you can benefit from the experience of our staff. 

  1. Do some universities require an equivalency document before obtaining university admission? Yes, some universities in Turkey (their number is very few) require an equivalency document as a prerequisite for application. 

  1. What is the duration of the equivalency of the secondary school certificate in Turkey? Obtaining a secondary school certificate equivalency document needs from 2 to 5 working days in Turkish consulates, from 15 to 30 days in Turkish education schools. 

  1. What is the duration of the equivalency of the university certificate in Turkey? A university certificate needs from a period of 6 months to two years to be equivalenced.

  1. Is it possible to equalize the secondary school certificate without a valid residence permit in Turkey? Yes, it is possible to complete the equivalency of the secondary school certificate according to the passport only.

  1. Is it possible to equalize the university certificate without a valid residence permit reasonable in Turkey? It is not possible to start the procedures for equivalency of the university certificate without a valid residence in Turkey.

  2. I did not know the laws of the university, my university registration was frozen due to the failure to start the procedures for equivalency of the secondary school certificate in the time period specified by the university, what should I do? You must review the Student Affairs Department immediately and book the equivalency date, show the equivalency date to the Presidency of Student Affairs at your university and request an additional deadline.  

  3. What are the fees for equivalencing the secondary school certificate in Turkey? There are no fees to be paid in favor of the directorates of education in exchange for obtaining the equivalency document.

  4. What are the fees for equivalency the university certificate in Turkey? There are no fees to be paid in favor of the Presidency of Higher Education in Turkey in exchange for obtaining the equivalency document.

Conclusion of the article

Turkish universities require students wishing to study in both bachelor's and diploma programs to attach a secondary school certificate equivalency document after completing the registration procedures, while students wishing to complete postgraduate studies (Master - PhD) is not required to equivalence the high school certificate or university certificate.

Students wishing to equivalence the secondary school certificate can complete the equivalency procedures through the directorates of the Turkish Ministry of Education or Turkish consulates outside Turkey, while university certificates are equivalenced through the presidency of the Turkish Higher Education Council in the capital, Ankara. 

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