Studying  Nutrition and Dietetics in Turkey دراسة التغذية و الحمية الغذائية في تركيا

Nutrition and Dietetics

Studying  Nutrition and Dietetics in Turkey

Overview of the specialty Nutrition and Dietetics:

Although people have been interested in food since ancient times, the specialty of nutrition and diet is one of the newly developed specializations and professions required and suitable for the future, It has separated from being a postgraduate program to become an independent major that is taught in many foreign and Arab countries.

This has happened as a result of the modern interest in nutrition and diets in the whole world in general and in the Middle East region in particular, where obesity suffers abound, bringing this interest to its highest levels in recent times due to the pursuit of ideal and perfect bodies, especially after social media swept the world, And because of the fear of diseases caused by weight gain, such as cholesterol, diabetes, pressure, and others.

Recently, the term nutritionist or obesity specialist has spread in the world, as they have a sufficient degree of knowledge to describe appropriate nutritional programs for each body.

Advantages of studying nutrition and dietetics in Turkey:

Despite the interest of the whole world in this specialty, it flourished in Turkey in particular, because it was one of the first countries to separate the nutrition specialty from other medical specialties, and made it an independent university specialization. Securing specialized and qualified staff.

This specialty is one of the majors that are highly popular with students in Turkey, due to the future and many job opportunities in the various health sectors. Among the advantages of studying this specialization in general and in Türkiye in particular:

- Availability of many job opportunities in government institutions.

- The fields of work are wide and varied

- Possibility to work independently and open a private clinic

- Average salaries are generally high

- Practical training in Turkish universities

- Appropriate tuition fees in Türkiye compared to other countries

- Low cost of living in Türkiye compared to other countries

- Availability of many scholarship opportunities and university discounts

- Distinguished educational cadres provided by universities in Türkiye

If you are interested in nutrition issues and have the ability to persuade others to improve and replace their bad eating habits, you will be happy to study nutrition and dietetics, especially in Turkey, which is known for the quality of education within its internationally recognized universities.

Duration of studying nutrition and diet in Turkey:

The number of years of studying the specialty of nutrition and diet in Turkey is 4 years, and the duration of the study may be increased by one year in the case of studying the language with a preparatory year. Lessons and contents of the specialty Nutrition and Dietetics in Türkiye:

These subjects may differ from one university to another, but we will mention to you a number of subjects that are taught in this major in the four academic years:

- Vocational guidance.

- Physiology.

- Chemistry.

- Anatomy.

- Career and life.

- Introduction to nutrition.

- Optional subjects.

- Nutrition principles.

- Food biochemistry.

- Food chemistry and analysis.

- Public Health.

- General Microbiology.

- Food control and legislation.

- Mother and child nutrition.

- Assessment of nutritional status.

- Food microbiology.

- Nutritional therapy in pediatric diseases.

- Institutional nutrition.

- Nutritional therapy in adult diseases.

- Nutritional problems and epidemiology.

- Nutrition education.

- summer training.

- Practice in a hospital

- Graduation Project

The best Turkish universities that study nutrition and dietetics:

• The best private universities to study nutrition and dietetics in Türkiye:

- Atilim University

- Istanbul Okan University

- Bahçeşehir University

- Kultur University

- Gelisim university

• The best public universities to study Nutrition and Dietetics in Türkiye:

- Hacitepe University

- Ankara University

- Marmara University

- Gazi University

- Ataturk University

Costs of studying nutrition and diet in Turkey:

Although fees may vary from one university to another and according to the type of university, private universities remain more expensive than public universities, although both have strong infrastructure and modern and advanced equipment and equipment.

                - Costs of studying nutrition and diet in public universities in Türkiye:

Studying in Turkish public universities is more affordable and less expensive than studying in private universities, where the cost of specializing in nutrition and diet, for example, is about (450 to 1150) US dollars annually.

                - Costs of studying nutrition and dietetics in private universities in Türkiye:

Studying in private Turkish universities is higher and more expensive than studying in public universities, where the cost of specializing in nutrition and diet, for example, is about (2250 to 8500) US dollars annually.

Master's degree in Nutrition and Dietetics:

Master's fees in Nutrition and Dietetics in Turkey's universities are about (3000 to 9000) dollars annually.

Salaries for graduates of Nutrition and Dietetics in Turkey:

Wages and salaries for graduates and students of this specialty vary according to the sector in which they work. In the private sector, the salary of a nutritionist in Turkey is about (9,000 and 11,000) Turkish liras.

In the public sector, salaries reach (8,000 and 10,500) Turkish liras.

Areas of work of the nutrition and diet specialization:

Graduates of Nutrition and Dietetics enjoy the job opportunities available to them in both public and private institutions, and the places where they can work are:

- Work in hospitals

- Work in food marketing services

- Work in marine transport services

- Work in diabetes units

- Work in parenteral nutrition support groups

- Work in air transport services

- Work in nursing homes

- Work in public / private treatment institutions for inpatients and non-residents

- Work in schools and kindergartens

- Work in oncology units

- Work in rehabilitation units

- Work in kidney care units

- Work in sports club hotels

- Work in transplantation units

- Work in food factories

- Work in slimming centers

Skills required and developed in the field of Nutrition and Dietetics:

There are many features, qualifications, and qualities that must be found in the student who wants to study the specialty of nutrition and nutritional development, and these qualities will be refined by studying the specialization later, but their presence in the person is necessary so that he can achieve success in his academic and professional life, and among those qualifications and qualities:

- Openness to research and innovation

- The ability to cooperate with others

- Love helping others

- Patience and caution

- Love of teamwork

- Ability to plan and organize

- Take responsibility

- Good manners

- The ability to express

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